Surge Protection
For the best surge protection in Vancouver, WA, you want Compass Electric. What many homeowners don’t realize, is that with the advancement of electronic goods there are many more electrically sensitive parts in use there than there used to be. Even your dryer has a circuit board in it. This means even more to protect from power surges that occur from lightning, the power company, downed lines, and everyday appliance cycling. The best form of surge protection in Vancouver, WA is a multi-tier one that begins with whole home surge protection from Compass Electric.

Your Whole Home Surge Protection Specialists
You may not realize, but lightning isn’t the biggest danger homeowners face today. Generators, AC units, and other large appliances produce 80 percent of the surges that degrade electronics in your home.
Many of the large electronics that produce these surges are on dedicated circuits. So when they produce a surge it will travel into the breaker panel first. Our whole home surge protectors connected at the panel can protect the rest of your home from these surges, and extend the longevity of your electronics.
When we attach a surge protection device to the main service entrance on the line side, we can also prevent the surges that come from outside lines in the event of a power line break, utility bank switch, or lightning strike.
With a tiered system, our specialists can help you protect your home at every level. Surge protection devices that you plug in are the last piece. These will protect your individual electronics from any excess electric current that makes it through the first two tiers.
When Compass Electric finishes outfitting your home for whole house surge protection in Vancouver, WA, you can rest easy. We’ll protect you from surges at every point of contact so that you have the most secure home possible. Call (360) 869-6750 or Contact Compass Electric today, and get the best in surge protection.